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David Oeters

How to Turn Production Data into Actionable Manufacturing Intelligence

 There’s a critical difference between raw data and actionable manufacturing intelligence. Data is just information. Actionable manufacturing intelligence adds value. When provided to the right person at the right time, action can be taken and value added – that could mean higher throughput, lower costs, and more productivity.

Use Your Data for Accurate Production Costs

For manufacturers, accurate estimates are critical to managing costs and margins. If estimates are...

How to Turn your KPIs into Profit and Production

There’s an old saying, “If you can measure it, you can manage it.”

The Problem with Managing Tools, Parts, and Materials in your ERP – and What You Can Do About It

Not long ago, we worked with a manufacturer struggling with a serious scrap problem.

What it Takes to Succeed with Machine Maintenance

Manufacturers invest millions in machines and equipment. These high dollar assets provide the...

Do You Know Where Your Production Assets Are?

While production requires tools, materials, parts and equipment, many manufacturers don’t track or...

Increase Production Velocity and Profit in 2018

To kick off the New Year, we launched an exclusive 18-in-18 promotion. CIMx will completely cover...

Manufacturing Trends to Watch For in 2018

As 2017 winds to a close it’s time to start setting goals and preparing for success in the New Year.

Does Your ERP Speak MFG?

Manufacturers come to CIMx Software with critical manufacturing issues and need solutions to the...

Four Tips for Delivering Manufacturing Success in 2018

As 2017 draws to a close, businesses are planning for success in 2018. For make-to-order...

Solving Problems and Improving Production with Behavior Science

While many make-to-order manufacturers are highly successful at guiding the economic side of their...

A Rapid ROI for MES and Manufacturing Software

Today, with improvements in software technology and lower hardware costs, Manufacturing Execution...

How to Lower Costs and Eliminate the High-Price of Doing Nothing

Profitable revenue growth and increasing the bottom line is the goal of every business. Any...

Accelerate Production with Shop Floor Visibility and Quantum

As we’ve discussed in previous posts, manufacturers without shop floor visibility struggle to meet...

Unlock Smart Manufacturing and Production Visibility with an MES

Once you cut through the hype-cycle surrounding Smart Manufacturing you will find that, if...