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Kristin McLane

Bridging the Gap between Your PLM and Manufacturing

Manufacturing and engineering are both symbiotic and disjointed. While manufacturing relies on...

Manufacturing Software and Paperless Manufacturing in 2017

We regularly review the manufacturing software market. Last year, we were twice caught off-guard by...

Manage Change on the Shop Floor with Manufacturing Software

With any software system, there’s a balancing act between flexibility and standardization. Where...

Overcoming Failure: Simple Steps to Improve Manufacturing Software

Not long ago, I wrote about a concept known as “sunk cost.” The Sunk Cost Fallacy is a cognitive...

Good Samaritans, Guarantees and Paperless Manufacturing

The core of customer service in manufacturing software is ensuring the system works as promised. By...

Sustainable Products, Consultants and Paperless Manufacturing

Manufacturers have options when selecting a software solution, but often they lose sight of the...

Four Clues to Evaluating Current Manufacturing Software

If you take the pulse of the manufacturing software market, you’ll be surprised by what you...

Email is not Manufacturing Software

As many manufacturers outgrow their process plan solution, some end up using email to manage their...

What to do when an ERP vendor wants to be an MES

There is a big difference between an ERP and an MES, as companies using their ERP on the shop floor...

Are There “Gentlemen’s Rules” in MES Sales?

Many software suppliers are more focused on the sale than the solution when working with customers.

What Does Paperless Manufacturing Mean for You?

In the world of manufacturing software, there are many who aren't sure of the difference between...

What Tesla Teaches You about MES

The software sales process has never been customer-centric, but that may be changing.


The Curious State of the MES Industry

Manufacturers shouldn’t expect MES projects to be late and over-budget, but many do. They should...

Identifying Customer-centric MES Customization

Your company may need a viable custom MES solution, but not all software companies will offer it to...