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How one midwest manufacturer increased production by 35% while reducing scrap by 80%

How one midwest manufacturer increased production by 35% while reducing scrap by 80%

Case Study: Scrap Down. Production Up.

A midwest make-to-order manufacturer was experiencing both escalating levels of scrap and a consistently under-performing shop. After experimenting with a series of homegrown solutions, a production supervisor connected with CIMx to deliver a comprehensive, sustainable solution.

"Now we can zero-in on problems very easily... as long as I've been in my position, I've never been able to dig into my business like this.
It's been great!"

- Assistant Production Supervisor

The previous processes had utilized a homegrown Access database to track parts, tools and materials and paper sign-offs to document quality. When the team member responsible for managing the database retired, a more sustainable, efficient and reliable approach was required that would both accurately track the manufacturing data on every order and control the production process from engineering through delivery.

The Power of Production Control

CIMx Software's Quantum production control system was selected to both migrate data out of the legacy systems and the provide shop floor visibility and quality control for every order. CIMx worked closely with the production team to understand their production processes and map out the solution that met their needs. Once configured, the Quantum solution was not only familiar to the operators but offered extensive hard and soft cost savings for the company.

35% Increase in Production.
80% Reduction in Scrap.

- Data from 2018 CIMx System Engagement Review -

In the first 6 months, this shop has already reported dramatic savings and increased revenue generation from the implementation of Quantum. By enforcing quality checks, utilizing digital planning and delivering interactive work instructions to their operators, production has increased by an average of more than 35% per day. As production rates increase, there has been a simultaneous 80% reduction in scrap!

See what Quantum can do for your shop! Explore the Power of the Quantum Production Control System!

Imagine reporting these numbers to your CEO. What could you do with all that additional revenue returned to your budget: upgrade facilities, hire more operators, increase outreach? Whether your shop has outgrown past production processes or your facility is being pushed to deliver more with less, Quantum is your solution. Learn more about the timeline and impact of introducing a production control system to your shop by connecting with a CIMx process expert today!

Ready to track, control and increase production velocity?
Connect with an Application Specialist today!

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