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Delivering Solutions with a Data Migration Engine

Delivering Solutions with a Data Migration Engine

Quantum's Data Migration Engine gives companies a reliable and safe tool to transfer their critical data and content from one system to another.

Data_Migration_Engine.jpgOur goal with the CIMx Data Migration Engine is to give companies a reliable, safe, and cost-effective way to move their data and content. Fear of lost data shouldn’t be a reason why a business clings to outdated, unreliable and inefficient software systems.

Unfortunately, moving data is a burden for many companies updating their internal software systems – a very expensive burden that can lead to future problems if it’s not done right.

The Value of Professional Data Migration

Request Your QuoteMoving data is a critical task when replacing older software with a newer system, consolidating information, or archiving and better utilizing content.

Companies limping by on old, error-prone legacy systems (you know the ones – ancient MS Access databases or software cobbled-together by a long-since retired co-worker) need a better solution if they want to grow. Outdated software will limit productivity and growth.

We’ve seen many companies roll out a new software system, with a foolproof implementation plan, only to have the project go off the rails when it comes time to move the content.

There are a lot of ways a migration project can go wrong:

  • The old data doesn’t work with the new system.
  • The content doesn’t transfer correctly, and you’re left with massive gaps in your database.
  • Lingering errors in the data, which past processes compensated for, render the new system useless.
  • The cost of the migration is so expensive; the decision is made to re-input everything and to keep the old system running for archive purposes.
  • Critical pieces of data have nowhere to go in the new system, and are either deleted or left in an old file that can’t be used.

CIMx directly addresses these issues, delivering solutions rather than problems when it is time to move data.

Confused_WEB_051915-1.jpgSolutions for Data Migration

CIMx Software started more than 20 years ago as experts in managing manufacturing data. Many of the world’s largest manufacturers rely on CIMx database expertise through our CAPP (Computer-Aided Process Planning), advanced MES, and digital manufacturing solutions.

That expertise provided the foundation for the Data Migration Engine. Using the Engine, CIMx preserves the schema, organization and structure of a database throughout the transfer. Before beginning the actual migration, CIMx maps the data and structure to the new database or system, ensuring the schema is intact.

More advanced features of the Engine allow CIMx to work with end users to analyze and inspect the content and repair errors. Common errors, such as substitutions, are made automatically. Individual errors such as missing data and incorrect data values can be identified and then corrected. Flat files can also be converted to an accessible, object-oriented format ready for further use or even reporting.

Our products eliminate many of the risks and problems associated with standard migrations. In addition to ensuring a safe and reliable transfer, the Engine adds value by repairing many of the errors that limit the efficiency of older data – providing a solid foundation for modern, smart manufacturing solutions.

Want to learn more, or get an estimate on how CIMx might help you? Then contact us today for a free shop floor analysis. We’re always happy to help.

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