So I leapt at a recent invitation to a game. A few friends offered me an extra ticket. It was a great game! The home team won, I got beer and a hot dog. But, I didn’t know it was a “working” game. It turns out one of my friends was a baseball statistician, and we were there to help with a project.
While I watched the game for a wicked curveball, a nice defensive play, or a massive home run, my friend was thinking about probability, applied statistical methods, quantitative analysis and variance theory. During the game, each of us had a notebook filled with lines and data collection notes. My job was to collect data on each pitch. It was hard work! I had scribbled notes in the margins, question marks all over the page. Ever try to see the difference between a slider or a split finger fastball from the second tier of a stadium?
And when we were done, sitting at the bar over wings, collating the data was a huge headache. A key data point was lost under mustard. Another page of data was missing, likely victim of an overzealous stadium attendant. My statistician friend was not amused at my unscientific “guess-timates.” After 3 hours of collating, we left without a clear mathematical picture of the game. All we had was a messy collection of data points that inspired little confidence.
Which, unfortunately, reminds me of shop floor data collection and as-built records for many manufacturers.
I’ll admit my friend set-up what seemed like a “can’t-miss, error-free” system for collecting data. I just had to mark the sheet for each pitch, log the number for each batter and pitcher, and keep track of when and where in the game we were. Sounds simple, right? It was, until reality hit. We had pitching changes and substitute batters (change orders), bathroom breaks (user-errors), missing and torn notebooks (paper-errors), unreadable data (shop-errors), unreadable notes (input-errors). All five of us at the game are college-graduates with successful careers, but I was amazed at the number of errors we ran into during the course of a single game. It was the perfect example of the challenges facing shop floor data collection.
The cost in effort, manpower, and money to create an accurate as-built with paper records is a losing proposition. Quality? Unless you have a strong data collection system, then quality production analysis is going to be a “guess-stimate.” Want to use real-time data to track orders or improve production? Can’t do it when your data sits getting dusty in the margins of your as-built book or work order traveler until someone types it into your database. Can you really say your data is secure cruising around the shop floor? Looking at Lean Manufacturing or Six-Sigma production improvement? Paper data collection will not get your team where it needs to be. How long does it take you to answer a production question when a customer calls? Is that acceptable?
So how does baseball keep such accurate records and data? They have a team of statisticians collecting data throughout the game and a digital system collecting data and identifying errors, which are quickly corrected when needed. Data is kept in a secure location (so stadium attendants can’t clean it away). The system is designed to automatically create usable records (real-time reporting) from the data so baseball junkies can get their fill of real time baseball stats at the click of a button.
Sounds nice, doesn’t it?
We have accurate baseball records going back decades. This is data we can trust (as long as you ignore potential “juicing” in your analysis). Want to know how the Cincinnati Reds did in 1982? The data is there, accessible at a push of a button, and it is trustworthy. Not that you would want that data, because it happens to be one of the worst seasons for the Reds (first time they finished in last place since 1937).
Your shop floor can and should work like that. Data collection should be a seamless part of the process for real time data collection, just like the team of data junkies that pore over and analyze every baseball game. Ensure accurate data with built-in safeguards. Improve quality with a system that compares work plans with current data, flagging non-conformances. Production improvement is possible only with accurate and efficient data collection. What could you do with anywhere, anytime access to real production data? If the baseball brainiacs can access the pitch count from a random game five years ago, why can’t your shop floor produce accurate as-builts when it comes time for an audit?
The truth is, they can. It is not difficult to implement shop floor data collection. A controlled, phased implementation is a low-risk process that ensures an ROI for each phase, and will improve production, reduce errors, ensure quality, and create accurate real-time records that for an easy, timely, and efficient audit.
So, my first effort at baseball stadium data collection was a failure (but did get me a free baseball game, beer, a hot dog, and wings… so it wasn’t THAT much of a failure). But, we learned a lesson. Next time, we’re going with tablets and an app (our own version of mobile manufacturing). A laptop is collecting data and correlating it for real time accuracy. We set up a process one evening, tested it during a game on TV, and it’s ready to be implemented at the next game.
What kind of shop floor data collection system do you have? How do you use and control your production data? How quickly can you prepare for an audit? If you’d like to know more about how you can improve your manufacturing process and shop floor data collection, contact us today. We’re happy to help.