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the Quantum data sheet

the power of production data

From process design through work order management, inventory levels through production scheduling, Quantum gives you visibility and control over your entire Production Operations team.  Below is just a short list of some of the things that Quantum does compared to a typical ERP/MRP, a financial package and the tools you have already in Microsoft on your desktop.  Not seeing what you want or need?  Ask us.  Quantum is a true enterprise platform built for the middle market.  

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Quantum ERP / MRP QuickBooks Microsoft tools
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process management / design
lay out critical and common processes
not controlled
work instructions
provide your team with step-by-step instructions
not controlled
job packets
create a build book / job packet for the shop floor
routing only
not controlled
data collections
tell your team what you need them to measure and record
text only
sign off on original processes and in-process changes
document mgmt
manage common documentation for critical processes
revision history
keep a complete archive of every change to every process
order management
record an order
record an order from a customer
inventory validation
ensure you have the proper levels of inventory to complete the work
work center availability
verify you have a work center open to complete the work
custom / manual
send a job to the floor with all its required information
routing only
job tracking
always know where all your jobs are, in-process
track raw materials and components through jobs and to customers
know the complete history of all the work your team does
production operations
work-in-progress (WIP)
know what everyone is doing today and right now
quality management
track and solve quality issues as they happen
track the serialized materials you use and make
lot traceability
follow materials through their use in your products and track them years later
tool management
track usage of tools, calibration records and control their use
production scheduling
schedule management
manage your schedule in real time or let Quantum do it for you on one of its 5 different schedulers
capacity planning
take a work center offline for maintenance or when someone calls in sick
order simulation
drop a planned order on the schedule to give real promise dates to your customers
inventory management
receive inventory
inventory availability
know exactly how much you have of everything and where it is
some tracking
promised inventory
keep track of inventory you need for current orders
order hold
hold orders automatically if you don't have the people or materials to do the work


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