A morning team huddle is important, but does not drive active productivity throughout the day. One small issue or misplaced inventory can have a cascade effect on all the work in the shop. Don't let that happen to you today. Let Quantum manage your team's day as it progresses and your leadership team can jump in only when necessary. Start every day with one plan and know you can adjust as you need to. Have a good day every day.
production access & information
Quantum for your leadership team
visibility and control
Your leadership team needs immediate access to information when they have questions. They want and need to know the resources they have to get work done and how effective they are at the job. They need to be able to review trends and make data-based decisions to increase your performance and drive more profit to your bottom line. The only way that you can do that is by providing them a real-time system that looks out at work scheduled rather than at past performance. Move beyond spreadsheets, past binders and right over your ERP or finance tool to real-time production visibility and control. That's Quantum.
real data
Your leadership team is making decisions all day and you need data to make these right. Quantum gives you the information you need on every job - planned, in-process, and completed. It tells you who's doing what and how they're doing. It lets you know when a job may run late and gives you paths to solve the problem before it is one. Whether you need that information to solve a problem or make a commitments, you'll know you have the information that you need when you need it.
real dashboards
Your leadership team needs visibility into every job and work station to enable top performance. Quantum gives you inventory, individual, and job performance with a clear view of your shop. You also need a schedule that flexes with you. Quantum fills in the next priority when a job runs early and gives you alternate paths when you're behind. You're in control of your shop schedule and you know the work will get done.
one platform for all of production
higher productivity
increased quality
Your leadership team hires people and they believe they are the right ones to get everything done properly. You need to give them tools to do the job as well. believe your team knows what they're doing. Quantum enables your team with the tools they need to actually do the job right, even when it seems to be going wrong. Plan for high quality and make it happen every day.
stronger profitability
You plan for the amount of work you need to be profitable. Quantum tells you when you are actually profitable on a job, even when things don't go to plan. Increase throughput and the profit you make every day.
"Quantum helps to me shift work around from my desk to avoid problems and roadblocks."
"We've reduced quality defects during production by 82%."
"I can find and eliminate my work center problems quickly and easily. Work center productivity has increased by 38%. I am maximizing my throughput and meeting shipping deadlines."
"Quantum helps to me shift work around from my desk to avoid problems and roadblocks."
"We've reduced quality defects during production by 82%."
"I can find and eliminate my work center problems quickly and easily. Work center productivity has increased by 38%. I am maximizing my throughput and meeting shipping deadlines."
"Quantum helps to me shift work around from my desk to avoid problems and roadblocks."
what makes us qualified?
While we don't have 40 years' experience, we're closing in on 30. We're specialists in operator-centric work. If you have people on your shop floor managing your work and you need to manage them, we can help. We're specifically priced and structured to help manufacturers of all sizes. With QuickBooks especially, we're teamed up with small businesses.
where to next?
Curious about what to explore next? Perhaps you want to take a look at our product platform, Quantum. Or review how we do against other products that are out there. Maybe read a blog or two to get educated.