Quantum pricing
built and priced for the middle market
CIMx Software has been making manufacturing software since 1996. We know that you need the tools that the world's largest companies have, but need them them to work at your price point, at your speed and without years of set-up. You need a system that works for your team, with your systems, and across your departments.
We started with complex, discrete manufacturers. We learned about their critical issues and built systems to solve them. Today, we serve manufacturers across industries that need to increase capacity, drive efficiency and expand control. We've found a unique space in the mid-market for our enterprise application.
Today, we make everything from jet engines to composite bicycle wheels, from cable harnesses to stamped parts. We are uniquely able to deliver solutions for manufacturers who have smaller IT departments or who have identified an issue they need to solve without a list of the requirements to get there.
During February, get your Quantum Integration license for free the first year. That's $1,100 of savings!
Quantum Licenses
$55 per user per month
first 10 users
We price Quantum for the middle market, where we know budgets are tight and time is short. Additional users from $33 / month, based on quantity. Includes product license and support. Annual training available by request. Customer Portal for questions and issues. Knowledge Center for FAQs and how tos.
Integration License
$1,100 annual fee
Standard or Custom
Whether you need us to build you a custom integration or you choose to use our standard integration, we start with an annual license. Custom integrations will also have some services. You can also choose to bring over orders through our automated import tools without any cost at all.
On-premises License
$1,100 annual fee
We offer Quantum as both an on-premises installation or a cloud option. There are some additional costs for the on-premises application as there is work for us with each individual customer environment.
implementation services packages
core services package
Our Core Services Packages is meant to get you started and built for teams with tighter budgets or are very self-directed. We include 60 days of onboarding, training and implementation support with this package and only recommend it for teams of less than 15 users. Purchase an additional 30 days if you need.
advanced services package
This is our most popular services package, including 90 days of onboarding, training and implementation support. With this option, we can customize your course through our curriculum and help you load Quantum. We'll lay out proposed paths for you and show you how to do the work in between our sessions.
enterprise services package
$14,000 (estimate)
This is a highly-customized option for you, including a complete pre-load of your information into Quantum and a more customized training curriculum. We include 120 days of onboarding, training and implementation support.
what do we do?
At the heart of what we do is visibility and control. You'll hear us talk about it often. We give you a window into your Production Operations and we give you the tools to make it more productive and flexible where you need it to be.
Production visibility means you need to see where every order / job is in-process. You want to know what's top priority, what's being worked on right now, where there are issues and who's resolving them, how much each job's costing you, when each job will be done, and so much more.
Production control means you can do something about any issue that's occurring right now, from where you stand, because you have all the information you need to do so. You can message the right people to help. You can send an alert. You can trouble-shoot the issue through displays that tell you what's going on and what you can do about it.
Two more things about visibility. First, we see you. Your needs are unique and your implementation of Quantum will reflect that. We have a standard curriculum that includes all the learning modules we think you need to get to know and use Quantum. The first 5 or 6 are set content. Every Quantum user needs these to master the basics. After that, we'll offer you suggestions and help you stay on task as we make our way through the content together.
Lastly, you always want to know what a system or project will cost. If we've provided you with a proposal for work, we stand behind that. Our fixed price proposals mean that you will not have additional charges for the work we've promised. And a little bit of visibility into both the work and the cost is helpful as you're moving into decision mode.
how much will Quantum cost you?
real visibility into production operations
what are our strengths?
People choose to do business with us because we listen to them and we learn their business. We listen to understand. You will never speak to someone who doesn't know you or know what you do and why you need us. That just helps us to make sure you get both the personal attention that you want and the help you need.
Everyone you talk to will know Quantum.
Seems natural, but not always the case in our industry. Chances are, we'll also know you. We won't ask you about the weather unless we really want the connection, but not as a means to stall the conversation while we look you up.
Everyone you talk to will know a little about you.
We're here to help. When we know both the product and you, it's easier for us to get to answer together more quickly. Where we're able to help under your support contract we will and, if not, we will price our projects fairly.
We've been in manufacturing software since 1996.
We know how manufacturing work, how it doesn't and what some common challenges are. This gives us a common base of knowledge to draw on to help you more quickly and cost-effectively.
We know production operations better than almost anyone.
With almost 30 years in the business, we know the complexities of production operations and why things work (or don't) in manufacturing. Our process work centers on visibility and control. If you have issues in either of these, we might be your answer.
We work in rapid, two-week cycles across our business.
Agile methodology works well in engineering teams. We extend this same philosophy across our business. It allows us to be exceptionally responsive to questions, issues and project work.
real control over production operations
where can we help?
Reach out to tell us what's bothering you, what's costing you money, what's bleeding you dry. No matter how important or urgent, we can jump in and give feedback. We'll tell you if we can help and how. More importantly, we'll tell you what we can't do, too. As part of the sales process, we'll both learn a little about each other and see if there's a fit there. We want to be the digital tool that makes you more productive, else there's no sense in going digital.