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control inventory

run your business better with Quantum

identify inventory issues

You need to know you have the right inventory, materials, and supplies to fulfill both your current and planned jobs.  Production cannot start until you have the tools, parts, materials and inventory on-hand and accessible.  You need the right inventory at the right time, without overstocking or rushing shipments.  

Quantum gives you real-time access to your Production Operations. It has all the information you need to manage your work and get it done on-time.  With accurate insight into on-hand inventory, you know where every piece of inventory is and whether you have sufficient inventory for demand.  Quantum can track, real-time, both purchased and made inventory.  Track WIP inventory as it makes its way through production.  

identify inventory

You need to be ready for the work you have to do as soon as it comes. This includes proper inventory, materials and supplies. Current inventory stocks might be enough to fulfill one order, but do you know if they will fill all the work you have? Quantum tracks all of your inventory - incoming, promised, fulfilled, made and stored so you eliminate issues related to inventory shortages or unavailability.

control inventory

You need to give your customers promise dates for your work. You need to know how much inventory you have to support the work and when you can complete it given the timeline. Quantum identifies where an order might be late for short inventory and prioritizes the work that's waiting.  Use thresholds to set your current inventory levels, reduce unnecessary costs and know you have what you need on-hand.  

identify inventory issues before they become problems 

specialized inventory

Serialized and lot-based inventory - whether you're making or buying it - requires an even tighter control to track and trace.  Quantum can make or record serial and lot numbers and track every place those materials or parts are used.  From stocking to shipped goods, know where your inventory is and how much you have.  

real availability

When you release a job to the shop floor, you want to know that you have the materials, parts and supplies to cover the work, whether that's done today, next week or even next month.  Orders and jobs move and there's a lot of inventory that's used across similar work.  Inventory availability needs to be when you need it, which may not be right now.  Quantum moves your inventory with you so you can get all your work when it needs to be. 

reserved inventory

When you need to set aside materials, inventory or supplies for a particular job, that gets really difficult.  Perhaps you just want to track how much you have versus what you need.  Quantum helps you with both.  

"We've reduced quality defects during production by 82%."

what makes us qualified?

While we don't have 40 years' experience, we're closing in on 30.  We're specialists in operator-centric work.  If you have people on your shop floor managing your work and you need to manage them, we can help.  We're specifically priced and structured to help manufacturers of all sizes.  With QuickBooks especially, we're teamed up with small businesses.  

where to next?

Curious about what to explore next?  Perhaps you want to take a look at our product platform, Quantum.  Or review how we do against other products that are out there.  Maybe read a blog or two to get educated.