eliminate errors
run your business better with Quantum
lower scrap and defects
Two items that increase defect rates for shops are your human work force and natural variability in your processes and products. If you make one thing all day long, you can tighten down processes and ensure that your workforce knows exactly how to do it. For the rest of the manufacturing community that makes many different products, makes products to order rather than picking from pre-production inventory, and even does custom work, the natural variability in each job massively impacts defect rates. Quantum serves as your digital production manager, managing the variability real-time, running your shop so you can run your business.
identify issues
You need to know what's going right (and wrong) on your shop floor to know where production issues are and how to solve them. Your employees need immediate help when something goes wrong and you need real-time access to help them. You need to make quick decisions and you need them to be right. Quantum has all the information you need to make decisions, manage production and reduce both defects and escapes. Give your team the right information the first time; adjust and refine it as you go, knowing that Quantum will capture it all in the permanent record. You make it right and Quantum proves it.
improve quality
You should know both the number and type of quality issues you have in Production Operations and a trend line on each? You need to know how often each happens and in what situations? Your team does whatever it takes to get product out the door; "hammer to fit" is easier than reporting issues on paper. Quantum tracks every movement on your shop floor. It knows when and where issues happen, how they were resolved and how long it took. Identify the root cause of errors. Pinpoint where, why and how often they occur whether it's one work center, job or person that's the problem. Know the cost of issues and get automatic workarounds to get back on track quickly.
identify quality issues before they become problems
solve customer rejects
If your customers are returning products or refusing shipments, you need to figure out why and solve it quickly. Ideally, you'd like to rework or repair the item and send it back out; that's not always possible. Solving issues before the product leaves your shop is the easiest and most cost-effective way to end the continuous line of returning product that's costly and eats time. Quantum walks your team through the production process, eliminating the chance for mistakes that might be costing you dearly.
make ship dates
Quality issues in manufacturing that require rework or even secondary production cost valuable time and money. If you are missing ship dates because there are errors in production, it's costing you on multiple fronts and may be damaging your relationship with your customer. Quantum manages all the work on your shop floor - even when it's not going well - and makes sure you know when promise dates are going to slip in advance of the day itself.
eliminate hidden costs
Most, not all, manufacturers we talk to are able to rework products if they don't complete the production cycle right the first time. Some make an adjustment and measure again or do an additional piece of work and pass the final product. This is getting the work done, but they're missing a key element in the time and cost they're consuming doing the work more than once rather than getting it done right the first time. Quantum gives you access to every job and every touch that your team did in production. See the trends of where things are and have gone wrong so you can solve them for good.
"Quantum helps to me shift work around from my desk to avoid problems and roadblocks."
"We've reduced quality defects during production by 82%."
"I can find and eliminate my work center problems quickly and easily. Work center productivity has increased by 38%. I am maximizing my throughput and meeting shipping deadlines."
"Quantum helps to me shift work around from my desk to avoid problems and roadblocks."
"We've reduced quality defects during production by 82%."
"I can find and eliminate my work center problems quickly and easily. Work center productivity has increased by 38%. I am maximizing my throughput and meeting shipping deadlines."
"Quantum helps to me shift work around from my desk to avoid problems and roadblocks."
what makes us qualified?
While we don't have 40 years' experience, we're closing in on 30. We're specialists in operator-centric work. If you have people on your shop floor managing your work and you need to manage them, we can help. We're specifically priced and structured to help manufacturers of all sizes. With QuickBooks especially, we're teamed up with small businesses.
where to next?
Curious about what to explore next? Perhaps you want to take a look at our product platform, Quantum. Or review how we do against other products that are out there. Maybe read a blog or two to get educated.